Nov 182008

Yesterday’s post discussed the importance of having a BIG, lifetime goal, today we’re going to show you how you can set your own personal life goals.

Have you ever thought about your main life goal before? If you are tired of not going anywhere in life, or having mediocre success then this is what is missing – how can you hit the target if you don’t even have one!?

Setting goals will help you to determine where you want to and where you don’t want to go in life. By knowing exactly what you want you can start to filter the distractions out and always come back to your core life goal.

Okay, so get yourself an empty pad of paper and think for a few minutes about all the things you really want to achieve in life and just start writing. Write down sentences, small things, words at first. You might write:

  • To make $1m before I am 40
  • To get into a top university
  • To have a successful business
  • To lose weight and maintain a healthy physique
  • To climb Everest
  • To travel around the world
  • To raise my children and give them a headstart in life
  • To learn to pilot a plane
  • To raise money for my charity

No matter how scattered they are, or insignificant they may seem – write it all down, whatever comes into your head. You are creating the building blocks which will form your main life goal.

Your list should be much bigger than the above example. When you have an extensive list of your desires group them into categories, and try and sum them up into sentences. This will likely take you several rewrites until you get something that really touches you, that feels natural, that really inspires you.

For example, taking some of the above you might write:

I will show my gratitude and donate and support charity heavily. I will travel the world, experiencing different cultures, and ways of life. I will raise a close family, with strong morals, and give all my children my encouragement and support in all they do. Above all I will live a life of abundance, making $1m from my successful business before the age of 40, thanks to an excellent top level education, which I worked solidly and consistently to get through.

This is just an example, you should really put some time in and think about your unique lifetime goals. Have you met anyone with such solid goals? Having a goal statement like this will help to keep you focussed, and on track towards your goals – read it every day, print it out and put it on your wall, whatever you need to do so that it sticks in your mind and you know your goals inside out.

When you find yourself wasting time or doing any activities which won’t help you achieve your lifetime goals you can cut them out and do something more productive to work towards them.

Tomorrow we are going to take this subject even further and show you how to break down your goals to ensure you achieve them, see you then!

Nov 132008

pile-of-moneyIf you have read any books on the law of attraction, or nlp, positive thinking, cause and effect you will hear time and time again that everything in your life depends upon your thoughts and beliefs, and what you are projecting out into the world.

For me it always seemed feasable that if I was positive I would attract other positive people to me, not in any magical way, but happy people would relate to me, feel happy around me, and want to be around me, it seemed logical, but for a long time I couldn’t get my head around the 1000s of financially poor people in the world – were their thoughts really keeping them poor? – Ask Paul McKenna and even he will tell you they are…

It was hard to believe, so I had to try it for myself, I set goals for myself and consciously rehersed in my mind that I was attracting money to myself – even to the point of editing a bank statement to look as if there was an extra $100,000 in my account…

Amazingly within the next 3 months I was earning enough money to finally be able to leave my office job and concentrate full time on growing Real Subliminal even more. I was amazed that the growth happened in such a short time after creating my goals, I was a believer of the idea that wealth attraction was possible, and set some plans to create an attract money in abundance subliminal album.

The idea behind this album is simple, it works on the principles of the law of attraction, in that you get what you think about, so the album focuses on implanting thoughts about attracting money into your mind, simple messages such as:

  • I am attracting money into my life
  • I am wealthy
  • I am creating wealth and financial prosperity

It may sound too good to be true, but because the messages go straight into your subconscious mind they bypass your logical / critical mind. So instead of consciously wanting more money but subconsciously not believing it to be possible you will find your entire body and mind working for you to attract money.

Stay tuned as tomorrow I will share 2 examples of people who have had financial success with our money attraction subliminals.

Nov 062008

So many people are looking for that magic pill, that quick fix, the miracle cure, the instant business – it seems that whatever people want to achieve they would rather take the short cut, they would rather be told exactly how to get there, and what to do.

While there is definitely merit in looking to successful people in the area you want to develop in, there is no such thing as overnight success, in any field.

Yes someone has walked the path you want to go down, and they can tell you what to avoid and make your journey a little easier. But in truth, nothing really achieving is ever easy. If you have a big goal, if you really want to achieve success in a big way then you will have to endure failure after failure – you will only succeed by overcoming these failures and rising to success.

To quote the personal development author Og Mandino:

“Rewards are great if one succeeds but the rewards are great only because so few succeed.”

Next time you find yourself browsing for the next instant fix, or shortcut to your goals, remember, if your goals are high enough there is no shortcut. If you are really on the path to success then there is no quick fix, and looking for them or trying them is only distracting you from actually putting the work in and getting closer to your goal.

Nov 042008

Imagine how much you would get done and what you could achieve if you followed through on your best intentions and saw them out no matter what obstacles got in your way.

Imagine yourself saying “I’m overweight. I will lose 20 pounds.”

Without any discipline this intention will NOT become a reality.

However, with enough self discipline, it is just a matter of time. If you have self discipline to such a high degree that you always stick to your goals then you are really on the path to success.

The key difference between one person who fails and another who succeeds is their ability to commit to their plan, and stick to it in the face of minor setbacks or even major obstacles. The successful person has iron discipline and sticks to their plans once they have been made – s/he understands that if it was easy everyone would be doing it, and if it is difficult then it must be worth it – they are on the right track.

If you make your plans and build your self discipline to such a level it will get to a point where you will be wary about stating a commitment or making plans, as once you make a firm plan you will know that you HAVE TO follow it through to the very end.

Our subliminal self discipline is not a magic cure, but it will give you a boost in discipline to help you stick to your commitments and become successsful

Oct 312008

This is a really quick and simple method you can use for motivation. It is a logical approach, and aims to rewire the way you feel about a difficult task.

Many people look at a difficult task and consider the bad elements of it, for example:
– Trying to lose weight, people will see the early morning gym sessions as a chore, and dread the low calorie diet they will have to consume.
– Setting up a business they will look at the risk involved, and the initial drop in pay from their regular job.

These types of thoughts are so common, but they are setting you up for failure.

The people who succeed take a VERY different viewpoint: They only consider the pleasure they will receive and not even think about possible negatives, so taking the above examples:
– They visualize the slim body at the end of their efforts, and how good they will feel about themselves.
– They think of the financial freedom, and their potential to make even more money in the long term.

You can see that although the above two people may want to achieve the same goal, the second person is much more likely to succeed, simply because of their beneficial frame of mind.

Next time you set a goal only think of the positives and focus on the outcome rather than the negatives or things that might be difficult.

p.s. Our subliminal motivation album will give you an extra boost in motivation, eliminate any negativity, and ensure your subconscious mind is completely focused on your goals to ensure your success.