Jun 262009

This is a quick introduction to subliminal affirmations. We will explain what they are (how they are different from regular affirmations), and how you can use them to help you reach your goals and make changes in your life.

What Are They?

Subliminal affirmations are basically the same as a positive affirmation. A positive affirmation, in case you are wondering is basically a phrase you repeat to yourself “to affirm something to be true”. So you would say some affirmations for an area you want to improve in. For example if you have a low self esteem you could repeat affirmations like:

  • I love myself
  • I can do anything I set my mind to
  • I have high expectations of myself
  • I will succeed
  • I am amazing
  • I will achieve great things in my life

The idea being that after repeating these statements to yourself over and over that you begin to believe them. They replace your old beliefs and they change your personality, and even behavior. Eventually you develop the personality trait you want.

So, back to the subject, a subliminal affirmation is the same as a positive affirmation, only the message isn’t repeated by yourself. it is pre-recorded and sent to your mind subliminally.

This means that you will not consciously hear the affirmation. It is sent at a sound frequency just beyond what you can consciously hear.

How Can They Help?

These type of messages can be more effective. Firstly, one of the main benefits is that you do not have to take 20 minutes out of your day and concentrate on saying the affirmations. You can simply play the subliminal cds and let the messages enter your subconscious mind naturally.

These affirmation albums can help you in pretty much any way you can think of. That is any problem you have, if you can write affirmations to improve it then a subliminal album can be used too.

Literally anything you can think of, from changes in the mind, to in your physical body, from improving sports performance, to overcoming illnesses. Anything can be improved through the power of subliminal affirmations.

Some Quick Instructions:

There is no right or wrong to listen to subliminal messages. It really comes down to a matter of personal preference. You need to find a way to listen that suits your lifestyle. You can either listen while you relax, or play the album while you do other tasks.

It is however recommended that you listen at least once per day.

If you think you can develop using this method then view our full range of subliminal messages here.