Mar 242009


Subliminal perception isn’t to be confused with subliminal messaging as such.

Whereas subliminal messaging is the act of using subliminal messages to influence the subconscious mind, subliminal perception is the measure of how much you can perceive – or to put it another way here is a definition of subliminal perception:

Subliminal perception occurs when you are not consciously aware of receiving information, or learning, yet the information is still stored in your mind.

The only way this information reaches your mind is because although you are not consciously aware of it, your subconscious mind is – it is aware of, and can process information on the edge of your consciousness.

Neurological Research

There has been a lot of research into the capabilities of the subconscious mind, and some of the most conclusive research came from studies of people with neurological disorders. Sometimes people would have a neurological problem in which they claimed not to see or understand certain stimuli, however they non the less respond on the basis of information conveyed by these stimuli anyway. These people are not lying about their condition, but they are perceiving the information subconsciously.

To explain this further, there is a condition called blindsight. People with blindsight have damage to the primary visual cortex in the brain. As a result they may be unable to perceive visual information in one area of their visual field, they are often unaware of perceiving stimuli within a restricted area of their visual field. However, even though these people can not CONSCIOUSLY see the stimuli in their “blind area, they can still guess the size and shape etc of the object they can not consciously see.

What many people consider folk law, or fairytale is slowly becoming recognized as scientific fact due to studies such as these ones. Subliminal perception is real – it really is possible to take in, store, and learn information subliminally and to later act upon it.

This is the exact concept behind subliminal messages – these messages are designed to be “heard” by your subconscious mind. Even though you will not consciously hear them they will enter your mind and make deep internal changes gradually. If this sounds of interest to you then view further information and our full index of research into subliminal perception.

Mar 162009

The effects of subliminal messaging can be varied – depending upon who is using the album, the condition of their mind, and their susceptibility to subliminal messages.

For most people however there will not be a huge noticeable effect while actually listening to a subliminal CD. The buildup of messages is gradual, and although some people notice benefits immediately this is unlikely for most (unless using a relaxation type album, which can work quicker). So while using the album 90% of people will not feel any different and certainly will not have any undesirable side effects.

The remaining 10% will experience feelings of relaxation, and then rejuvenation when the album has finished and they start to get on with their day again. And we have only had experiences from 3 people who have ever had an “intense” experience when using our albums (i.e. headaches / dizziness). These symptoms seemed to disappear after a few more sessions as the initial use of the album was up against and breaking down some pretty big mental blockages.

So, as for the effects of subliminal messaging, well you have nothing to worry about. All the messages are essentially are positive affirmations- but spoken subliminally so they would never do any harm to you.

As for the long term effects, well these can vary – we have created over 200 subliminal cds with their purposes ranging from confidence, to memory improvements, subliminal learning, phobia elimination, and much much more – view our full range of 200+ subliminal cds / mp3s here and experience the effects for yourself.

Mar 032009


This article entitled “subliminal definition” aims to once and for all define the term subliminal, and its associated vocabulary (If you have any questions or there is any other terms you would like defined then please leave a comment and we will add to this list, or of course, feel free to contact us):

Subliminal = Is made from the Latin words sub which means under, and limen, which means threshold. So literally translated it means below threshold. In modern society it has come to describe any message designed to pass below the regular limits of the human mind i.e. below the levels of our conscious perception.

Subliminal Messages = To elaborate on from the subliminal definition above subliminal messages can be  flashed text or images on a tv screen / computer or are also commonly found as embedded sounds in audio format – either as sounds above the limits of human hearing, or through subliminal backmasking:

Subliminal Backmasking = Where a message is embedded in audio format and can’t be heard consciously when the audio is played normally – however when played backwards the message is revealed. Even this backwards message can be decoded by your unconscious mind, and made use of

Subliminal Suggestion = Often used to describe a suggestion a hypnotist may make to you while in a trance, but can be used to describe any transmission of information which subtly / subliminally tries to induce behavior. This could be in regular waking conversation with a friend or colleague, through the use of leading questions, positive talking.

Subliminal Persuasion = Similar to subliminal suggestion, but perhaps with more manipulative intention. Where the suggestions are used by sales people to try and persuade you to buy, and likewise with advertising – both TV commercials or magazines / billboards – commonly the suggestion hints at Sex – to try and stimulate your mind and make the advert more memorable.

Subliminal Hynposis = Officially this is where you enter a mini-trance state without your knowledge – we are going in and out of trances all day, reading, daydreaming, watching tv, and even driving all put us into different states of consciousness. This is more complex – for more information please view our entire post on subliminal hypnosis.

Subliminal Learning = The phenomenon where via subliminal messages conscious learning takes place. Eventually the messages build and spill over from the subconscious into the conscious mind and learning takes place – which could be anything from increased memory, ability to learn a foreign language, or “learning” such as self esteem development / confidence boosts.

If you would like to experience subliminal learning then visit Real Subliminal – the largest online resource of subliminal cds / mp3s for learning, personal development, health, and much more.

Feb 262009

This article is a quick introduction to subliminal hypnosis. There is some confusion as to what this exactly is as subliminal messaging and hypnosis are 2 different forms of mind programming. Firstly lets give definitions of these 2 different terms:

  • Hypnosis: Is the act of putting someone into a a trance-like state; a state in which they have a heightened suggestibility, do not have the ability to think critically / logically, and access can be gained to the subconscious mind. This is usually done by a hypnotist / psychologist through the use of commands, tone of voice and subtle suggestions. Indeed, hypnosis can be a really powerful form of personal development!
  • Subliminal Messaging: Also gains access to the subconscious mind and bypasses the logical thinking function to implant suggestions into someone’s mind – however there is no trance-like state, and the person will be unaware of the subliminal messages – all the messages are beyond the limits of human perception – typically embedded in music.

So.. just what is subliminal hypnosis?

Now these terms are defined individually it’s time to describe subliminal hypnotherapy, but the lines are still a little blurry, and it is actually a term which means different things to different people.

tv-subliminal-hypnosisOfficially subliminal hypnosis is the phenomenon where you enter a mini trance like state without your knowledge, i.e. subliminally. This might sound magical, but it happens to us all the time – we are always going in and out of various states of consciousness. A very common example is when we sit down to watch television. We become engrossed in the program and enter a mild trance. We are unaware of our surroundings to an extent, and if we are particularly engrossed we may not properly register a question someone asks us in real life, or there may be a delay in our response.

Also, if an advert can put you into a mini trance then it will be much more effective. Typically tv advertisements will be LOUDER than the actual program you have been watching – this firstly snaps you out of your mini trance, and also focuses you on the advert. Then, through various techniques of music, flashing lights, colours, or by overloading the senses they attempt to put you into another mini trance – basically they want your full attention, and if your senses are dulled and you are only focusing on the advert then this is better for them.

Although the above is the official definition, in modern times, with the increase in the use of both hypnosis and subliminals it has actually begun to be used as a way of referring to either pure hypnosis or subliminal messaging. This is not technically correct, but it is just a form of slang which has evolved – and quite frankly can be confusing as when people ask us about our subliminal hypnosis albums we have to clearly say what our albums do and don’t do.

As the first definition our albums are pure subliminal messaging – this has both advantages and disadvantages over pure hypnosis – basically it is more gradual, but it won’t out you into a trance, which means you can make consistent changes to your mind as you go about your day or exercise etc.

If this sounds of interest to you then browse our full range of subliminal messages. I hope this has cleared up any questions you had, but if you need any more information either leave a comment or contact us directly – we are always happy to help.

Feb 162009


One of our core product lines is our subliminal language learning range. It is our oldest product line, and how our business actually started in fact.

However, we still get a lot of questions about this album range – mostly centered around the “is this all I need to learn Spanish?” type question? We answer this question every week – week in, week out 🙂

We always try to give an accurate description as possible about our albums, and show subliminal messaging in a down to earth light, so first and foremost it is important to say that NO – Using our album alone will NOT teach you Spanish / <insert desired language> on its own.

Our language learning CDs act simply as learning aids, which means that while they will not help you learn the language on its own, they will enhance the rate at which you are learning, and processing the language. You do still need to take classes or study the language in some way, but it will align your mind so that you can absorb the information easier.

We have had a lot of comments from people saying it has improved their retention rate, their focus while studying, their understanding, and even their enjoyment of learning various languages. Here is a full testimonial we have received from someone using our subliminal French CD:

Your subliminal language learning aid has been brilliant! It has really helped me and my wife pick up some French quickly, just in time for a month abroad. We found we were able to communicate and understand much better than ever before! Thanks!

Doug, Brighton – UK

Of course, the albums have different results for everyone, and we generally recommend using the album once per day for a period of 2-4 weeks if possible, but yes you can enhance your rate of learning a language with subliminal messages!

I hope this mini article helps to clear up any questions you have about  but if you do still have questions then we are always happy to help. We have over 30 albums for different languages so check out our full range of subliminal language learning albums today and enhance your studies.